Exploring the Untouched Beauty of Bourges: A Journey into Centre-Val de Loire

  1. The Hidden Gem of Béziers: The Marshes
    1. A Haven for Peace and Tranquility
    2. Exploring New Cultivation Methods
    3. Challenges and Threats
    4. The Importance of Preservation
  2. Here, Some Hotels in Bourges
  3. Explore Nearby: Top excursions around Bourges

The Hidden Gem of Béziers: The Marshes

Béziers, a city located in the center of France, is famous for its UNESCO World Heritage cathedral and medieval historic center. However, this provincial capital of Béja has another hidden gem: the marshes. Just a few minutes away from the city center, these marshes have been cherished and cared for by the locals for over a century.

To access the marshes, there are only two ways: by boat or by swimming. Once there, visitors find themselves in a small paradise, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It's an island surrounded by nature, and the locals have made it their second home.

Many individuals have found solace in cultivating their own piece of land in the marshes. For example, a retired horticulturist decided to buy a plot of land despite not having much knowledge about agriculture. He simply wanted something to do after working for over 50 years in the pharmaceutical industry. Now, he is passionate about his garden and cultivates onions, radishes, carrots, and lettuce.

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A Haven for Peace and Tranquility

The marshes attract more and more urban dwellers in search of tranquility. One couple, who decided to settle in the marshes three years ago, loves living amidst the animals that roam freely. Despite mischievous hens, they find dozens of hidden eggs throughout their plot, which they generously share with their neighbors. The husband, a retired railway worker, cultivates a vegetable garden in the adjacent plot. The couple celebrates the fresh air and peacefulness of the marshes, which has become an integral part of their lives.

Exploring New Cultivation Methods

Some young individuals have also been frequenting the marshes, implementing new cultivation methods. One couple, following permaculture principles, established their own vegetable garden. They use a special tool that allows them to till the soil while preserving the earthworms and other microorganisms present. After that, they simply let nature do its work. No need for watering or weeding – they just let the plants grow with love and care.

Challenges and Threats

Although these gardens are a source of pride for those who cultivate them, pollution in the canals poses a threat to the marshes. Since 2000, water hyacinths, imported from Brazil and sold in nurseries, have invaded the waters. These invasive plants threaten aquatic flora and block irrigation canals. The horticulturists must constantly remove these plants from their canals, as they grow rapidly, and even after removal, precautions are taken to prevent any remaining pieces from floating away and taking root elsewhere.

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Furthermore, the river that feeds the marshes brings along debris, which is now retained by inflatable barriers. Although this is a small solution achieved after a long battle by the horticulturist association, it is not the only concern. Water samples from the marshes taken in 2010 revealed excessive levels of lead and nickel. While this does not mean that all marshes are contaminated, it is crucial to install new sedimentation tanks upstream and analyze the water more frequently to protect this delicate ecosystem.

The Importance of Preservation

Apart from pollution, another threat to the marshes is the abandonment of plots. Some lands have been left uncultivated for over 50 years. If the younger generation does not become more involved in preserving this fragile ecosystem, the marshes may disappear over time.

Visiting the marshes of Béziers offers a unique opportunity to escape the city and immerse oneself in nature. It is a chance to witness the dedication and passion of the locals as they cultivate their gardens and protect this hidden gem. The marshes are not only a source of tranquility but also a reminder of the importance of preserving our natural environment.

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